Syllabus of History for the Main (Written) Examination for optional Paper(Paper-I and Paper-II) is given below.
1. The Mauryan Empire :-
- Mauryan Chronology and sources.
- Administration of the empire.
- Social and economic activity.
- Ashoka’s policy of Dharma.
2. Political and Economic History of India on 200 B.C. to A.D.300. The emergence of Kingdoms in
Northern and Southern India, their geographical and political basis.
- The contribution of trade in the development of Indian economy and society.
- Indian contracts with Central Asia, West Asia and South-East Asia. The development of Buddhism and the emergence of Bhagavatism.
3. The Gupta Period :-
- Political history of the Gupta Kings.
- Agrarian structure and revenue system.
- Development of Arts, literature etc.
- Development of Vaishanavism, Saivism, etc.
4. India in the Seventh Century A.D.:-
- Harshavardhana
- The Chlukyas
- The Pallavas
5. Northern India, 650-1200-Political and Social condition. The Feudal economy. The Chola Empire. The
South Indian village system, Shankaracharya. The Turkish conquests and the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526).
The revenue system and military and administrative organisation.Change in economy and society. Evolution of
- Indo- Persian culture, Literature and Art.
- The provincial Kingdoms, polity and society of the Vijayanagram Empire.
- Religious movements of the 15th and 16th centuries.
- The contest for Northern India,1526-56. The Sur administration.
- The Mughal Empire, 1556-1707, Political history. The mansab and jagir systems.Central and provincial administration. Land revenue religious policy.
- Indian Economy :- 16th and 17th centuries. Agriculture and agrarian classes. Towns and commerce.
- The opening and development of European trade.
- Mughal court culture, literature, painting and architecture. Religious trends.
- The 18th century, disintegration of the Mughal Empire, its succession states (Deccan, Bengal, Awadh).
- The Marathas from Shivaji to 1803.
(1757-1950) A MODERN INDIA
British Conquest of Bengal, Changing Patterns of British Colonialism. Economic Impact of British Rule, Changes in Agrarian Structure, the permanent Settlement. The Ryotwari, Ist War of Independence, 1857. Change in British Administrative and Economic Policies after 1858. Social basis of Indian National-Movement, Programme Policies, Ideology and Techniques of Political work of the early Nationalists Official response to early National movements from Dufferin to Curzon, Religious Reform movements, Social Reform and Lower Castes movements and Social change. The Anti-Partition of Bengal Agitation and Swadeshi Movement, Programme, policies, Ideology and Techniques of Political work of the Militant Nationalists, Emergency of Revolutionary Terrorism. Rise of Communalism, Emergence of Gandhi in Indian Politics, the First Non-Co-operation Movement. The Swarajist. Boycott of Simon Commission and the Nehru Report, Purna Swaraj and the Second Civil Disobedience Movement, the State People’s Movements, Development of Nationalist Foreign Policy, Development of Nationalist Planning Ideology, the Congress and other Ministers after 1936. Growth and Spread of Communalism, India during the World War-II. The Cripps Mission, the Quit India Movement of 1942, the Indian National Army, Post War Political development. Achievement of Freedom and the Partition of India, Integration of Indian States.