Administrative Theory Introduction:
1. Meaning, Scope and Significance of Public Administration. Evolution of Pubic Administration and its present status. Public Administration as an Art, Science or Craft. Approaches to the study of Public Administration i.e. Behavioural, Structural Functional Mechanical, Historical, Legal and Post Behavioural. Comparative Public Administration:Meaning, nature and scope.
2. Theories of Organization:- Scientific management (F. W. Taylorand the Scientific Management Movement). Classical Theory (Henry Fayol, Urwick & Gullick), Bureaucratic Theory (Max Weber) Human Relations Theory (Elton Mayo and others).
3. Principles of Organization: Hierarchy, Unity of Command span of control, Authority and Responsibility, Coordination, Supervision, Centralization and Decentralization, Delegation.
4. Structure of Public Organizations: Chief Executive, Topologies of Chief Executive and their functions. Forms of Public ‘Organizations: Ministries and Departments, Corporations, Companies, Boards and commission. Line, Staff and Auxiliary Agencies.
5. Administrative Behaviour: Decision Making with special reference to Herbert Simon. Theories of Leadership. Communication, Morale, Motivation (Maslow and Herzberg). Behavioural Approach (Chester Bernard).
6. Public Policy:- Relevance of Public Policy Making in Public Administration. Process of Policy making and its implementation. Models of Policy making.
7. Accountability and control: Concepts of accountability and control. Legislative, Executive and judicial control over Administration. Citizen and Administration. People participation. Administrative corruption, Redressal of citizens grievance, Lokpal & Lokayuktas.
8. Administrative Law: Meaning, Significance and growth of administrative law. Delegated legislation, Rule of Law, Liability of Administration in Contracts and Torts. Administrative Discretion and judicial control. Principles of Natural Justice, Judicial review of Administrative action.
9. Personnel Administrative: Objectives of personnel administration. Importance of Human Resource Development. Recruitment, training and career development, Performance Appraisal, Promotions. Discipline, Employer-employee relations. Integrity and code of conduct. Grievance redressal mechanism. Neutrality and Anonymity.
10. Financial Administration: Concept of Budget, preparation and Execution of Budget. Control over public Expenditure. Performance budgeting, Resource mobilization: Tax and non-tax sources. Accounts and Audit.
11. Administrative Reforms: Meaning, process and obstacles. Techniques of administrative improvement: O & M, work study, work measurement. Role of Information Technology in administrative improvement E-Governance.
12. Comparative and Development Administration: Meaning nature and scope of Comparative public administration. Models of Comparative Public Administration: Bureaucratic and Ecological (contribution of Fred Riggs). The concept, scope and significance of development Administration, Political, Socio-cultural context development administration.
Concept of sustainable development and concept of Good Governance.
Indian Administration
1. Evolution of Indian Administration:- Kautilya, Mugal Period, British and Modern Periods.
2. Constitutional frame work:- Parliamentary Democracy, Federalism, Socialism, Secularism. Human Rights and National Human Rights Commission.
3. Structure of Union Government and Administration:- President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, Cabinet Committees. Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Ministers Office, Central Secretariat, Ministries and Departments Boards and Commissions, Field Organizations.
4. Centre-State Relations:- Legislative, Administrative and Financial Relations.
5. Law and Order administration:- Role of Central and State agencies in Maintenance of Law and order.
6. Public Enterprises:- Types of Public Enterprises, Contribution of Public Sector to the Indian economy. Management of Public enterprises in India:- Composition, powers, functions and types of Board of Public Enterprises. Accountability and control of public enterprises:- Parliamentary, Ministerial and Audit Controls. Changing role of the public sector in the context of liberalization.
7. Control of Public Expenditure:- Parliamentary Control Role of Finance Ministry, Comptroller and Auditor General.
8. Public Services: All India Services, constitutional position. Role and Functions of all India services. Union Public Services Commission. State services and the state public service commissions. Training of All India services. Constitutional protection available to civil services.
9. Administrative Reforms:- Reforms since independence since independence. Reports of Administrative Reforms Commissions Problems of Implementation
10. Machinery for Planning:- Role, composition and review of functions of the planning commission. Role of National Development Council. Process of plan formulation at Union and state levels. Decentralized planning.
11. Welfare Administration:- Administration for the welfare of weaker sections with special reference to SC’s STs Women and children.
12. Major issues in Indian Administration:- Relationship between political and permanent executives, integrity in administration. Values in public service and administrative culture. Development and environmental issues. Right to information.
13. Local Government:- Panchayati Raj and Urban Local Government. Structure, functions and Finances of Local bodies. Main features of 73rd & 74th constitutional Amendments. Major rural and urban development programmes and their management.
14. District Administration:- Role and importance of district administration. Changing Role of District Collector/Deputy Commissioner. Land and Revenue Administration. Relationship of District administration with functional departments at district level. District rural development agency.
15. State Government and Administration:- Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers. Chief Secretary, State Secretariat. Directorates.