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Category: Vacancies

HPSEBL- upcoming Recruitment of JE (Electrical/Civil/Mechanical)

HPSEBL has decided to fill up the posts of Junior Engineers (Electrical)- 200 posts and Junior Engineers (Civil/Mech)- 50/20 posts through HPSSC Hamirpur and sub regional employment exchange officer. Download official notification and R&P rule here–  _portal_appointment_Regarding filling up the vecant post of JE Elect JE Civil Mech

HPSEBL- Recruitment of Junior T/Mate and Junior Helper (Sub-Station)

Applications on the prescribed Proforma are hereby invited by HPSEBL for filling up of 1892 posts of various categories viz: 1500 posts of Junior T/Mate and 392 posts of Junior Helper (Sub-Station) on Contract Basis on fixed contractual remuneration of Rs. 8150/- per month under the Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd strictly as per…
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HPU Recruitment

HPU invites online application for various post including Clerks, JOA, Drivers, Peons etc. The interested candidates may apply through Online Recuitment Portal of the Universityi.e, https://recruitment.hpushimla.in/Login.aspx or http://www.hpuniv.nc.in. The online application can be uploaded from 05-06-2020 to 20-06-2020  which is extended upto 04-07-2020. Download official Notification form here– Advertisement Apply online here— https://recruitment.hpushimla.in/Login.aspx

HPSSC date extension for submission of ORA

HPSSC has extended the last date of submission of Online Recruitment Application upto 05.06.2020 till 11:59 PM.

CET D.El.Ed 2020 online application form

हिमाचल प्रदेश स्कूल शिक्षा बोर्ड द्वारा Two years Diploma in Elementary Education सत्र 2020-2022 हेतु Common Entrance Test-2020 (D.EL.Ed. CET- 2020) की परीक्षा हेतु अभ्यार्थी दिनांक 21.05.2020 से 27.06.2020 तक ऑन-लाईन आवेदन कर सकते हैं उक्त परीक्षा दिनांक 12.07.2020 को प्रातः 11.00 से 1.00 बजे तक प्रदेश स्तर में स्थापित परीक्षा केन्द्रों मे आयोजित की…
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