An objective type (MCQ) Entrance Test for admission to two years regular B.Ed. Course in Department of Education, HPU, Govt. College of Education Dharamshala and Private Colleges of Education situated in the State of Himachal Pradesh for the academic session 2021-22 shall be conducted by the University for which ONLINE Applications from the eligible candidates are invited w.e.f 20.05.2021 to 18.06.2021 through University website Thereafter the link will be disabled. The complete schedule with date of entrance test will he uploaded on the University website in due course of time. For complete details to fill up online application form including fee and eligibility criteria etc.,
please download the prospectus and read it carefully as available on the University website. The 85% seats are reserved for Bonafide/Domicile candidates of HP and 15% to the candidates of other States. Students belongs to J& K State can also apply. No admission shall be made beyond the merit of the entrance test. For any query with regard to filling up online application form, contact on telephone No. 0177-2833648, 2831119 during working days within office hours. Tentative date of entrance test is 26.07.2021. Interested candidates can apply here—