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Category: Exam schedule

Notification regarding Dates for Documents verification of AMO & Ayurvedic Pharmacists for Batch wise in AYUSH VIBHAG

AYUSH VIBHAG has released a Notification regarding Dates for Documents verification of Ayurvedic Pharmacists for Batch wise in AYUSH VIBHAG. For more information download the official notification from here—

NTA NET Scheduling of Exam Dates

NTA has rescheduled the dates of examination for UGC-NET December 2021 and June 2022 (Merged Cycles) Phase II. The final Phase II examination of UGC NET has been scheduled to be conducted between 20 and 20 Sept 2022.

HPU B.Ed Online Counselling 2022

Himachal Pradesh University has conducted B.Ed. entrance test on 27th May and has started the counselling process for granting admission to 2-year B.Ed program offered in the university and various other colleges/universities in the state. The result is followed by the conduct of the counselling process by the Counselling Committee of the university. HPU has…
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HP Police Constable DV Tentative Schedule

HP Police has released a tentative schedule for evaluation/ documentation process of written test qualified candidates of Central Range Distt.

Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment Tentative Schedule

Indian Army has released Agniveer Recruitment Schedule for the year 2022-23. This schedule is tentative and subject to change. For exact rally programme candidates must go by www.joinindianarmy.nic.in webaite.