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- Computer is an……device- Electronic
- ……….is considered as brain of a computer- CPU
- Division by zero in program causes………….- Interrupt
- One byte is ……… bits- 8
- An ……… is used to identify memory location- Address
- A 16 bit address bus can generate……addresses -2¹⁶
- Microprocessor is used to make- Computer, Digital watch, Calculator
- ………………. is a secondary storage device- Hard Disk
- EPROM Stands for ………- Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
- The octal equivalence of 1111010- 172
- The binary equivalent of decimal number 60.60 is- 111100.1001
- … not functional unit of a computer?- DMA
- Give the odd one out- VDU, Printer, Mouse, Joystick- Printer
- 1 giga Bytes = m Bytes where mis equal to- 1024³
- A computer does not have- Intelligence
- There are…….generations of computers- V
- … used for transferring data from one place to another place in a computer?- Bus
- CPU does not have component- Cache Memory
- Which port is used for printer?- Parallel port
- The binary equivalent of decimal-27 in two’s Complement system is- 11100101
- The execution of an instruction in a computer is done….mode- Execute
- The resolution of screen is measured as the number of pixels- Along length and breadth of screen
- … a Universal Logic Gate?- NOR
- Hexadecimal system used the ………symbols- 0-9, a-f=
- The hexadecimal equivalent of binary number 101010101010 is- AAA
- Which method is commonly used for subtraction in binary number system- Two’s Complement
- In computers instructions and memory addresses in machine language are in ………..Binary digits
- The dimension of a monitor is expressed as- Diagonal length of the screen
- X and Y are Boolean variables. The value of NOT (X AND y) is- NOT(X) OR NOT(y)
- A and B are Boolean variables, which one simplifies to – NOT (NOT A AND B) OR (A AND NOT B)
- A word processor is most likely used for- Typing a document
- Pressing keys together (ctrl+home in a document opened in MS Word, moves the cursor to the beginning of the…- Document
- MS Word is a…..-Word Processor
- MS Excel is a…..- Electronic spread sheet
- MS PowerPoint is a…..- Presentation Software
- MS Access is a…..- Data base management system
- Which one is not a valid data type in MS Excel- Character
- A cell in MS Excel can be activated by- Pressing the Tab Key
- In MS Excel, function = today () returns- Date value for the day according to system clock
- An excel workbook is a collection of- Worksheets and Charts
- The ……. Key is used to open help window, in MS-Powerpoint- F1
- The ……… shortcut key inserts a new slide in current presentation. In MS PowerPoint- Ctrl+N
- To start slide show of a selected presentation- From Slide show menu choose View Show option
- …… font effect is not available in MS PowerPoint Font dialog box- Strikethrough
- In database system, a composite key is- Made up of two or more attributes
- Which item is smallest in a table of database?- Fields
- Which is true in a DBS- Redundancy can be reduced
- A……… is used to get some information from tables in a relational DBS- Query
- ……….. is not a MS Access Data base object- Worksheet
- Which one is DDL Statement in MS Access- CREATE