Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Drivers on Contract Basis under Jal Shakti Vibhag, The Category wise breakup for the post and Education qualification for the post are as under
Name of the Post-
Total posts-
UR- 20
SC- 09
OBC- 07
EWS- 04
WFF- 01
BPL- 02
ST- 01
Total- 44

Class of Post-
Class III (Non Gazetted)
Scale of Pay-
Pay band for regular incumbants- Rs 5910-202002000 Grade pay
Emoluments for Contractual Employees- Rs 7910.
Minimum Educational and other qualification for the post of Driver-
Should have minimum qualification of matriculation 10th) and 10+2 from
recognized Board of School Education/ institution.
Must possess valid driving license for the plying otheavy/light vehicles in Hilly terrain.
Knowledge of customs, manner and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.
Age for Direct Recruitment-
Between 18 and 45 years
Eligible and interested can submit their applications on plain paper along with
passport size photograph in the Office of the Executive Engineer, JSV Division Baggi on any working day from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm w.e.f. 01/02/2021 to 15/02/2021 along with relevant supporting documents i) Legitimate proof of age, ii) Proof of educaton (iii) Certificate regarding SC/ST/OBC & other category (iv) Certificate of Bonafide Himachal (V) Driving License (vi) Income and Asset certificate to be produced by Economically Weaker Sections (Vii) Non-SC/ST OBC Certificate to be produced by the candidate belonging to BPL Category. Viva Voice & practical test for Driving and maintenance skill may be conducted for which venue and time shall be intimated to the candidates by the way of publication. The Executive Engineer Jol Sahl Division Bagg Of Off cet above than reserves the right to fill up the post or withdraw the advertisement at any point of time.