Ques:- Which country has won the Asia Kabaddi Championship Cup 2016 ?
Ans:- Pakistan
Ques:- The minimum age to contest Lok Sabha Election is ………….years.
Ans:- 25
Ques:- Under Article………….the President of India can proclaim emergency.
Ans:- 352
Ques:- The Rajya Sabha can have maximum strength of…………..Members.
Ans:- 250
Ques:- There are………….non-permanent members of the security council of united Nations.
Ans:- 10
Ques:- Name the Hindi films actor whose actual name is Yousuf Khan ?
Ans:- Dilip Kumar
Ques:- In whose control, Income Tax Department works.
Ans:- Central Board of Direct Taxes.
Ques:- Fiscal policy means, governments.
Ans:- Revenue and expenditure policy.
Ques:- The strength of Lok Sabha member of Himachal Pradesh is……………………
Ans:- 4
Ques:- Mohan Micin Bruary is located in which district.
Ans:- Solan hpexams.in
Ques:- The name Baba Bhalku is associated with…………..
Ans:- Survey of Shimla Railway.
Ques:- What is the meaning of losar festival.
Ans:- Arrival of the new year festival.
Ques:- Give the name of that powerful Kirat’s king who fought the battle against the Arya’s king who fought the battle the battle against the Arya’s king Divodas.
Ans:- Shambar
Ques:- Between whom did the famous Sangoli ki Sandhi of year 1815, happened ?
Ans:- Between Britishers and Gorakha leader Amar Singh Thapa
Ques:- Malana named place which is famous as The World’s oldest Democracy is situated in which district.
Ans:- Kullu
Ques:- Famous Bhimkali temple is located in……………
Ans:- Sarahan, district Shimala
Ques:- Who wrote the famous book Himalayan Districts of Kullu/Lahaul Singh
Ans:- A.F.P. Harcort
Ques:- In 1960, Chinni named acquisition Tahasil was perplexed in the form of…………..district of Himachal Pradeh.
Ans:- Kinnaur
Ques:- Among Sunni, Thiyog, Karsog, Kumarsen which acquisition is not located in Shimla district.
Ans:- Karsog.
Ques:- Gumma and drang are famous mines associated with…………..
Ans:- Rock Salt
Ques:- In which district, the famous Mahakali and Lama lakes are situated.
Ans:- Chamba
Ques:- The river Yamuna passes through which district of Himachal Pradesh.
Ans:- Sirmaur
Ques:- Among Martian, Manhunt, Train, Miniature Select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word-HUMANITARIAN .
Ques:- Select the odd one out-joy Fear, Honest, Anger
Ans:- Honest
Ques:- Complete the series:- ZY1,AB3,XW5,CD7,……………..?
Ans:- VU9
Ques:- The first nATIONAL Policy on Education 1968, called for fulfilling compulsory education for all the children upto the age of………
Ans:- 14
Ques:- Indra Gandhi National Open University was established in the year.
Ans:- 1985
Ques:- Human Consciousness according to Charvaka Philosophy is………….
Ans:- Combination of five elements
Ques;- The educator who advanced the idea of the five formal steps in learning was………….
Ans:- Herbart
Ques:- The individual develops through the head, the heart and the hand. This was the educational philosophy of………………
Ans:- Pestalozzi hpexams.in
Ques:- When the majority of pupils in science class are poor in readind the teacher should.
Ans:- Plan many hands-on activities.
Ques:- The study of Philosophy is concerned with
Ans:- Values and ideals
Ques:- To study pupil inter relationship, most useful method is
Ans:- Sociogram
Ques:- Disability refers to
Ans:- Loss or reduction of functional activity resulting from impairment
Ques:- The most significant approach of evaluation is
Ans:- Continuous and comprehensive evaluation.
Ques:- ………………….was the first Union Education Minister of India.
Ans:- Abul Kalam Azad
Ques:- Which is more relevant for developing teaching skills.
Ans:- Training technology.
Ques:- Which is not essential for connecting to the internet ?
Ans:- A television.
Ques:- Which is not a phase of microteaching ?
Ans:- Teaching phase
Ques:- FIACS is also known as
Ans:- Category system
Ques:- Extrinsic programming was introduced by
Ans:- N.A. Crowder
Ques:- Scrambled programmes refers to
Ans:- Extrinsic programme
Ques:- ………………..Education Commission Report as Magna Carta of Indian Education ?
Ans:- Wood’s dispatch
Ques:- Teacher’s role in project Method is of
Ans:- Guiding students
Ques:- During British rule in India, who played the most significant role in making English language as medium of instruction ?
Ans:- Lord Macaulay
Ques:- Who introduced three-language formula /
Ans:- Radhakrishnan commission
Ques:- The theory of Heredity as –Heredity does not go to immediate parents but to remote ancestors was given by –
Ans:- Galton
Ques:- When was group factor theory by thurstone at the university of Chicago developed ?
Ans:- 1936
Ques:- Primary law of learning are………….in number
Ans:- Three
Ques:- Which is the master emotion ?
Ans:- Fear
Ques:- The national review committee has given the recommendations for.
Ans:- Making vocationalization of education successful
Ques:- In which year-A pilot project correspondence Education was started by Delhi university ?
Ans:- 1962-1963
Ques:- From which language does the term curriculum orginate.
Ans:- Latin
Ques:- The pramana of veda and other ancient scriptures according to vedanta is known as
Ans:- Sruti
Ques:- Who was pioneer in establishing the university at Pondicherry /
Ans:- Sri Aurobindo
Ques:- Petiole crack is due to deficiency of element
Ans:- Boron, Zinc
Ques:- Photorespiration in C3 Plants start from
Ans:- Phosphoglycolate
Ques:-For its activity, carboxypeptidase requires,
Ans:- Zinc hpexams.in
Ques:- Which plant part can respire even in the absence of oxygen
Ans:- Seeds
Ques:- Coconut milk factor is
Ans:- Cytokinin
Ques:- Vernalization stimulates flowering in
Ans:- Carrot
Ques:- Acid concentration in CAM plant is more at
Ans;- Night
Ques;- Which light range is most effective in photosynthesis
Ans:- Red
Ques:- Water rearchs the top of the plant due to
Ans:- Transpiration
Ques:- CAM help the plant in
Ans;- Conserving water
Ques:- A bicollateral vascular bundle has the following arrangement of tissues.
Ans:- Outer phloem-Inner Cambium – Inner Phloem.
Ques:- Which one is primary consumer
Ans:- Herbivore
Ques:- Plant species having a wide range of genetical distribution evolve into a local population known as
Ans:- Ecotype
Ques:- When dominant and recessive allete express alleles itself togather it is known as
Ans:- Co-dominance
Ques:- A dihybrid ratio is
Ans:- 9:3;3:1
Ques:- Which one is a gaseous harmone
Ans:- Ethylene
Ques:- Pollinia are present in family
Ans;- Asclepediaceae
Ques:- Lycopersicum esculentum is the botanical name of
Ans:- Tomato
Ques:- Rhizophores are found in
Ans:- Selaginella
Ques;- A parasitic alga is
Ans;- Chephaleuros
Ques:- Ascospores are
Ans:- Endogenous
Ques:- Strobili in Selaginella are
Ans:- Terminal
Ques:- Pyrenoid core consists of
Ans:- Protein
Ques:- Rhizome of fern has
Ans:- Dictyosteie
Ques:- Myrmecophily is pollination by
Ans:- Ants
Ques:- The synergids are connected to
Ans:- Egg Cell
Ques:- The generic name of mango is
Ans:- Mangifera
Ques:- The element needed for evaluation of oxygen in photosynthesis is
Ans:- Manganese
Ques:- Name of the hormone which control the production of sperms is
Ans:- Testosterone
Ques;- The anther contains
Ans:- Pollen grains
Ques:- What term is used if the pollen is transferred to the stigma of same flower ?
Ans:- Self-pollination
Ques:- In the stem of Asteroxylon the xylem is
Ans:- Starlike in structure
Ques:- Equisetum is commonly called as
Ans:- Hhorsetail
Ques:- The carinal canal in Equisetum are formed by the disintegration of
Ans:- protoxylem
Quers:- Sori bearing leaves are known as
Ans:- Sporophylls
Ques:- Dryopteris resembles Cycas in having
Ans:- Circinate vernations of leaves
Ques:- In Selaginella glosspodium is found in
Ans:- Ligule
Q ues:- The presence of a fungus is essential for the development of prothallus in
Ans:- Psilotum
Ques;- Stelar theory was proposed by
Ans:- Van Tieghem and Douliot
Ques:- Sporocarp of Marsilea is
Ans:- Bisporangiate hpexams.in
Ques:- Tapeworm lacks
Ans:- Digestive system
Ques:- Secondary host of taenia sodium is
Ans:- Pig
Ques:- Devil fish is common name of
Ans:- Octopus
Ques:- The major site ofprotein Digestion is
Ans:- Stomach
Ques:- Pouched mammals are
Ques:- Preen gland
Ans:- Secretes oil secretion for lubricating feathers
Ques:- The yellow colour of urine is due to
Ans:- Urochrome
Ques:- Healthy human does not excreate out in its urine
Ques:- Lattisimus dorsal muscle is the
Ans:- Leg muscle
Ques:- In Nissle’s granules of nerve cells are made of
Ans:- Protein
Ques:- Non essential amino acid are synthesized in human body during.
Ans:- Protein anabolism
Ques:- Pentose and hexose are the most common
Ans:- Monosaccharides
Ques:- Which acid is secreted by the stomach wall to active digestive enzymes ?
Ans:- Tartaric acid
Ques:- Among Amoeba, Earthworm, Hydra, Betle which one has a nervous system but no brain ?
Ans:- Hydra
Ques:- Virus which cause Hepatitis are transmitted through
Ans:- Water
Ques:- Which set of animals share a four chambered heart.
Ans:- Crocodiles, Birds, Mammals
Ques:- A harmone responsible for normal sleep-wake cycle is
Ans:- Melatonin
Ques:- Intervertebral disc is found in the vertebral column of
Ans:- Mammals
Ques:- Among Earthworm, Snail, Cockroach,Fish which one is not an intertebrate
Ans:- Fish
Ques:- Among Protozoa, Bacteria,Archaea,Ant which one is not an example of Unicellular organism ?
Ans:- Ant
Ques:- The defining characterstic of living organism is
Ans:- Response to external stimuli
Ans:- Amphibians do not have
Ans:- Scalaes
Ques:- An area in brain associated with strong emotions is
Ans:- Limbic system
Ques:- ……………..organism exhibits Regeneration.
Ans;- Planaria
Ques:- What is the term coined by Charles Drawin to explain the process of evolution ?
Ans:- Natural selection
Ques:- Red ants have
Ans;- Formic Acid
Ques;- Leech belongs to phylum…………………..
Ans:- Annelida
Ques:- Among lungs, liver,kidney,Adrenal gland which one is not an excretory organ ?
Ans;- Adrenal gland
Ques:- Embryonic membranes present in repties are
Ans:- Amnion, chorion, yolk sac and allantois
Ques;- Absorption of digested food in cockroach takes place in…………..
Ans:- Mesenteron
Ques:- Haemophilia is more common in males because it is a
Ans:- Recessive trait carried by X-chromosome
Ques:- Pupa can be seen in the life cycle of
Ans:- Housefly
Ques:- The defect in the gene responsible to the transport of chloride ions across the cell membrane causes
Ans:- Cancer
Ques:- Kidneys of birds are composed of
Ans:- Two lobes
Ques:- Physalia the portugese man of war belongs to
Ans:- Class Hydrozoa
Ques:- Peripatus is a connecting link between
Ans:- Annelida and Arthropoda
Ques:- Dragon files and damsel flies belongs to
Ans:- Order odonata
Ques:- Pisces and Amphibia are togather called
Ans;- Ichthyopsida or Anamniota
Ques:- Theory of Recapitulation or Biogenetic law was proposed by
Ans:- Haeckel
Ques:- An electron designated by quantum number n=4, 1=2,m=0 occupies.
Ans:- 4d-orbital
Ques:- The value of screening constant for an electron in Is-orbital screening another Is-electron is
Ans:- 0.30
Ques:- The ionization energy of hydrogen is 1312.0 kj/mol. Express the value in eV/atom
Ans:- 13.60 eV/atom
Ques;- The hybridization that can be used to account for the linear geometry of XeF2 molecule is
Ans:- Sp3 d
Ques:- The arrangement of CI Ions in CsCL structure is
Ans:- Simple cubic
Ques:- The boiling point of water is less than that of
Ans:- HF
Ques:- Which noble gas forms maximum number of compunds.
Ans:- Xenon
Ques:- The volume occupied by 0.25 mol of an ideal gas at S.T.P. IS
Ans:- 5.6/
Ques:- For the reaction H2O at 373 K and one atmospheric pressure
Ans:- H=T S
Ques:- The chromatographic technique used for the separation of organic compounds was discovered by
Ans:- Tswett
Ques:- The number of asymmetric carbon atoms in tartaric acid is
Ans;- Two
Ques:- Which of the following is not a nucleophile.
Ans:- BF3
Ques:- Anisole belongs to the class of
Ans:- Ethers
Ques:- Which chemical is used in desiccators in the laboratory ?
Ans:- CaCL2
Ques:- The chlorine atom in CIF3 molecule has…………hybridization.
Ans;- Sp3d
Ques:- The spontaneous change in specific rotation of solution of an optically active compound is called as
Ans:- Mutarotation
Ques:- The chief source of starch is
Ans:- Potato
Ques:- Which monomer i used to produce Nylon-6,6
Ans:- Adipic acid+hexamethylene diamine
Ques:- The molecular formula of camphor is
Ans:- C10H20O
Ques:- The name Seema Punia is associated with
Ans:- Discus throw
Ques:- …………….is popularly known as the Leather city of the world
Ans:- Kanpur
Ques:- Which group is associated with the Cardamom Hills.
Ans:- Tamil Nadu and Kerala
Ques:- Which people and communities, is associated with lgloos
Ans:- Eskimo
Ques:- Who introduced Mansabdari System to improve admins trative system of the Mughal Empire.
Ans:- Akbar
Ques:- Ramakrishna Mission was founded by
Ans:- Swami Vivekananda
Ques:- Buddha delivered his first sermin at…………………
Ans:- Sarnath
Ques:- Whose name is associated with great literary work Kamayani as its author
Ans:- Jai Shankar Prasad
Ques:- …………………..has been recently selected for the president of USA in the 2016 elections belongs to ……………..Party.
Ans:- Padma Sachdeva
Ques:- Donald Trump who is in a race to the post of President of USA in the 2016 elections belongs to……………….Party.
Ans:- Republican
Ques:- Brass is
Ans:- An alloy
Ques:- CaOCL2 is the name of
Ans:- Bleaching powder
Ques:- Which chemical processes represents slow combustion
Ans:- Rusting of Iron, Respiration
Ques:- When CNG or LPG undergoes complete combustion, the products formed are
Ans:- CO2 and H2O
Ques:- The process of converting sugars into alcohols is known as
Ans:- Fermentation
Ques:- Peeling of onions cause tears as onions release
Ans:- Sulfenic acid
Ques:- The most commonly used material for making transistors is
Ans:- Silicoin
Ques:- The common name of the chemical compound Cholecalciferol is
Ans:- Vitamin D
Ques:- The chemical used as a fixer in photography
Ans:- Sodium thisulphate
Ques:- Yellow cake is an item of smuggling across border is
Ans:- Uranium oxide
Ques:- Among Phosphorous trichloride, Mercuric oxide, Graphite, Nitroglycerine which one is used as an explosive
Ans:- Nitroglycerine
Ques:- In Vander Waals equation of state of the gas law, the constant b is a measure of
Ans:- Volume occupied by the molecules
Ques:- A person who walks on foot
Ans:- Pedestrain
Ques:- Her performance in the tournament was disappointing but she tried to put a brave face ………….it.
Ans;- on
Ques:- Despite repeated announcements, the passanger did not turn………………….
Ans:- Up