HPBOSE 10TH Result
Check your 10th result here— https://hpbose.org/Result/MatricResultFirstTerm.aspx?E=4
Check your 10th result here— https://hpbose.org/Result/MatricResultFirstTerm.aspx?E=4
HPBOSE has declared the result of TET NOV 2021. You can check your result here—https://www.hpbose.org/OnlineServices/CET/TET/Result.aspx HPBOSE has also released final answer key of all subjects. You can download final answer key from this link— https://www.hpbose.org/Notification.aspx
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has also releasedĀ JNV result 2021 class 6 at www.navodaya.gov.in. No official notification has been released by NVS in this regards, however, students can login with their credentials at the official website to check their JNVST Class 6 result 2021. You can check result here— https://cbseit.in/cbse/web/nvsresult/Result.aspx
HPSCB has declared the result of prlm examination for the post of Junior Clerk and steno Typist held by IBPS. Candidates can check their result here—
Download your B.Ed. Entrance Test result here—