The Staff Selection Commission will conduct an open competitive examination for recruitment of Constable (Executive), Head Constable, Constable Drivers, MTS Male and Female in Delhi Police as per the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Delhi Police and the Staff Selection Commission. Candidates from all parts of the country will be eligible to apply. The salient features of the recruitment are as under:
1 The Examination will be advertised by SSC based on vacancies intimated by Delhi
2 Applications will be accepted through on-line mode only.
3 Computer Based Examination (CBE) will be conducted by the Commission in English
and Hindi only.
4 Physical Endurance and Measurement Test (PE&MT) will be scheduled and conducted
by the Delhi Police in Delhi. PE&MT is qualifying in nature.
You can check the vacancies detail here. These are tentative vacancies and may change in future..