General English—
- Directions: Choose the word most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word:
(1) Fiction
(2) Imagination
(3) Reality
(4) Lie
Answer: (4)
Directions (2) and (3): Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verb with the help of options that follow:
- The Headmaster __ to speak to you.
(1) is wanting
(2) was wanting
(3) were wanting
(4) wants
Answer: (4)
- He _ for five hours.
(1) has been sleeping
(2) must had been Sleeping
(3) was sleeping
(4) had slept
Answer: (1)
Directions (4) and (5): In each of the following sentences improve the underlined part with the help of given options:
- I shall have much pleasure in accepting your kind invitation to dinner.
(1) Can’t have much pleasure
(2) I am having much pleasure
(3) I may have much pleasure
(4) I have much pleasure
Answer: (4)
- No sooner did the police arrived than the robbers made good their escape.
(1) No sooner when the police arrived
(2) No sooner did the police arrive
(3) No sooner the police arrived
(4) No Sooner had the police arrived
Answer: (4)
- Directions: The idiom given below is followed by four possible meanings. Choose the correct option:
By fits and starts
(1) irregularly
(2) successfully
(3) incompletely
(4) suddenly
Answer: (1)
- Directions: In the following sentence, out of the given alternatives choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the underlined word:
His performance in the office is quite superficial.
(1) excellent
(2) shallow
(3) excessive
(4) unnatural
Answer: (4)
- Directions: In the following sentence, one part may have an error. Choose the one which has the error, if any:
It is high time/that we send/the answer/to this query.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Answer: (2)
Directions (9) and (10): In the following items a word is followed by four explanatory expressions. Choose the expression which best describes the word:
(1) one who flonts established opinions
(2) one who has no opinions of one’s own
(3) one who holds established opinions
(4) one who is self opinionated
Answer: (3)
(1) drawing out a secret from somebody
(2) comparison that is out of place
(3) statement that is absolutely clear
(4) trade prohibited by law
Answer: (3)
General Hindi—-
- निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से सही वर्तनी वाले शब्द का चुनाव कीजिए:
(1) उज्ज्वल
(2) उज्जवल
(3) उज्वल
(4) उजवल
Answer: (1)
- ‘जल्दी चलो’ – रेखांकित अंश में कौन-सा विशेषण है?
(1) परिमाण बोधक विशेषण
(2) अनिश्चय वाचक विशेषण
(3) निश्चय वाचक विशेषण
(4) क्रियाविशेषण
Answer: (4)
- इनमें से कौन-सा शब्द ‘पर्वत’ का पर्याय नहीं है?
(1) भूधर
(2) नग
(3) नभ
(4) शैल
Answer: (3)
- ‘सुख-चैन’ में समास है:
(1) कर्मधारय
(2) तत्पुरुष
(3) द्विगु
(4) द्वन्द
Answer: (4)
- छाती पर साँप लोटना’ – मुहावरे का सही अर्थ दिए गए विकल्पों में से चुनिए:
(1) कष्ट पाना
(2) भयभीत होना
(3) साहस का काम करना
(4) ईर्ष्या करना
Answer: (4)
- परिक्रमा’ शब्द में उपसर्ग है:
(1) प
(2) मा
(3) आ
(4) परि
Answer: (4)
- निम्नलिखित में से अशुद्ध वाक्य कौन-सा है?
(1) इस बार फसल अच्छी होगी।
(2) बैठक का समय चार बजकर दस मिनट होगा
(3) जब वर्षा होगी तब देखा जाएगा।
(4) हम सब जा रहे हैं, आप भी चलोगे ?
Answer: (3)
- ‘सिंह वन में रहता है’ रेखांकित में कारक है:
(1) करण कारक
(2) कर्म कारक
(3) अपादान कारक
(4) अधिकरण कारक
Answer: (4)
- ‘विद्वान’ का स्त्री-लिंग है:
(1) विद्वत्ता
(2) विदुषी
(3) विद्वत्री
(4) विद्वानी
Answer: (2)
- ‘शाखा’ का बहुवचन है:
(1) शाखाएँ
(2) शाखियाँ
(3) शाख
(4) शाखें
Answer: (1)