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Category: Study material

History of Himachal Pradesh

Sources of History— 1. Archaeological Sources—The importance of Archaeological sources for the history of Himachal Pradesh is varied in the absence of reliable literary sources.The archaeological sources include stone tools implements coins inscription monuments and sculptures, the places where the excavation have been made include Guler, Dhaliara, Dehra, Masrur all in Kangra district.Other surveys inducted…
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Vedic Civilization

The Vedic Civilization was the culture and traditions of the society prevalent during the Vedic age ( 1500- 600 BCE). It should be noted here that after the decline of Indus Valley civilization by 1500 BCE, the next wave of civilization began to take shape in form of Aryan occupation of Indo-Gangetic plain. The Aryans:—…
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Indus Valley Civilization

The Discoverers of Indus Valley Civilization— Harappa mound was first time mentioned by Charles Masson in 1829. John Brunton and William Brunton found two ancient city of Harappa and Mohenjodaro in 1856. John Marshall – He was the DG of ASI in 1927 and first professional Archaeologist of India.But he excated horizontlly and all finds…
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