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Child Development and Pedagogy-1

  1. Human personality is the result of

(a) interaction between heredity and environment

(b) only environment

(c) only heredity

(d) upbringing and education

Answer. (a)

  1. Individual attention is important in the teaching – learning process because

(a) teacher training programmes prescribe it

(b) it offers better opportunities to teachers to discipline each learner

(c) children develop at different rates and learn differently

(d) learners always learn better in groups

Answer. (c)

  1. Errors of learners often indicate

(a) the need for mechanical drill

(b) absence of learning

(c) socio-economic status of the learners

(d) how they learn

Answer. (a)

  1. Which of the following is a domain of learning?

(a) Affective

(b) Spiritual

(c) Professional

(d) Experiential

Answer. (a)

  1. When a child gets bored while doing a task, it is a sign that

(a) the child is not intelligent

(b) the child is not capable of learning

(c) the child needs to be disciplined

(d) the task may have become mechanically repetitive

Answer. (d)

  1. Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method of problem-solving?

(a) Problem awareness

(b) Collection of relevant information

(c) Formation of hypothesis

(d) Verification of hypothesis

Answer. (a)

  1. Vygotsky emphasized the significance of the role played by which of the following factors in the learning of children?

(a) Moral

(b) Physical

(c) Social

(d) Hereditary

Answer. c

  1. A teacher makes use of a variety of tasks to cater to the different learning styles of her learners. She is influenced by

(a) Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory

(b) Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory

(c) Piaget’s cognitive development theory

(d) Kohlberg’s moral development theory

Answer. (a)

  1. A teacher never gives answers to questions herself. She encourages her students to suggest answers, have group discussions and adopt collaborative learning. This approach is based on the principle of

(a) setting a good example and being a role-model

(b) readiness to learn

(c) active participation

(d) proper organization of instructional material

Answer. (c)

  1. Which of the following is a teacher-related factor affecting learning?

(a) Availability of teaching-learning resources

(b) Nature of the content or learning experiences

(c) Mastery over the subject-matter

(d) Proper seating arrangement

Answer. (c)

  1. A school gives preference to girls while preparing students for a state level solo-song competition. This reflects

(a) pragmatic approach

(b) progressive thinking

(c) gender bias

(d) global trends

Answer. (c)

  1. School-based assessment is primarily based on the principle that

(a) students should at all costs get high grades

(b) schools are more efficient than external bodies of examination

(c) assessment should be very economical

(d) teachers know their learners’ capabilities better than external examiners

Answer. (d)

  1. A teacher, after preparing a question paper, checks whether the questions test specific testing objectives. He is concerned primarily about the question paper’s

(a) typology of questions

(b) reliability

(c) validity

(d) content coverage

Answer. (d)

  1. Critical pedagogy firmly believes that

(a) what children learn out of school is irrelevant

(b) the experiences and perceptions of learners are important

(c) the teacher should always lead the classroom instruction

(d) the learners need not reason independently

Answer. (b)

  1. Learners display individual differences. So a teacher should

(a) enforce strict discipline

(b) increase number of tests

(c) insist on uniform pace of learning

(d) provide a variety of learning experiences

Answer. (d)

  1. Human development is divided into domains such as

(a) emotional, cognitive, spiritual and social-psychological

(b) psychological, cognitive, emotional and physical

(c) physical, spiritual, cognitive and social

(d) physical, cognitive, emotional and social

Answer. (b)

  1. In the context of education, socialization means

(a) respecting elders in society

(b) adapting and adjusting to social environment

(c) always following social norms

(d) creating one’s own social norms

Answer. (b)

  1. Which of the following is a principle of development?

(a) Development is always linear

(b) It is a discontinuous process

(c) All processes of development are not inter-connected

(d) It does not proceed at the same pace for all

Answer. (d)

  1. A teacher uses a text and some pictures of fruits and vegetables and holds a discussion with her students. The students link the details with their previous knowledge and learn the concept of nutrition. This approach is based on

(a) theory of reinforcement

(b) operant conditioning of learning

(c) construction of knowledge

(d) classical conditioning of learning

Answer. (c)

  1. A child starts to cry when his grandmother takes him from his mother’s lap. The child cries due to

(a) emotional anxiety

(b) stranger anxiety

(c) separation anxiety

(d) social anxiety

Answer. (a)

  1. Inclusive Education

(a) encourages strict admission procedures

(b) includes indoctrination of facts

(c) includes teachers from marginalized groups

(d) celebrates diversity in the classroom

Answer. (d)

  1. Which of the following is an objective question?

(a) Open ended question

(b) True or False

(c) Essay type question

(d) Short answer question

Answer. (b)

  1. The most effective method to teach the concept of germination of seeds is

(a) to draw pictures on the black-board and give descriptions

(b) to show pictures of seed growth

(c) to give detailed explanations

(d) to make the students plant seeds and observe stages of germination

Answer. (d)

  1. When a child ‘fails’, it means

(a) the child should have taken private tuition

(b) the system has failed

(c) the child is not fit for studies

(d) the child has not memorized the answers properly

Answer. (b)

  1. Which of the following is a feature of progressive education?

(a) Emphasis on scoring good marks in examinations

(b) Frequent tests and examinations

(c) Flexible time-table and seating arrangement

(d) Instruction based solely on prescribed text-books

Answer. (c)

  1. The emphasis from teaching to learning can be shifted by

(a) encouraging rote learning

(b) adopting frontal teaching

(c) focusing on examination results

(d) adopting child-centered pedagogy

Answer. (d)

  1. According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instill moral values in children by

(a) laying clear rules of behavior

(b) involving them in discussions on moral issues

(c) giving strict instructions on ‘how to behave’

(d) giving importance to religious teachings

Answer. (b)

  1. According to Piaget’s stages of Cognitive Development, the sensori-motor stage is associated with

(a) ability to solve problems in logical fashion

(b) ability to interpret and analyse options

(c) concerns about social issues

(d) imitation, memory and mental representation

Answer. (d)

  1. When a child with a disability first comes to school, the teacher should

(a) seclude him from other students

(b) discuss with the child’s parents to evolve collaborative plans

(c) conduct an admission test

(d) refer the child to a special school according to the disability

Answer. (b)

  1. Young learners should be encouraged to interact with peers in the classroom so that

(a) the syllabus can be covered quickly

(b) they learn social skills in the course of study

(c) the teacher can control the classroom better

(d) they can learn answers to questions from each other

Answer. (b)

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