General English–
- Direction: Improve the underlined (italic) phrase, if necessary, with the help of given options.
If I had not told you, You will not know the truth.
(1) You have known not
(2) You would not be knowing
(3) You would not have known
(4) You cannot know
Answer: (3)
- Direction: Complete the sentence given below by choosing the correct form of verb from options that follow.
Jim came yesterday. I do not know whether he __ today.
(1) will have come
(2) will be Coming
(3) shall come
(4) came
Answer: (2)
- Direction: Complete the sentence given below by using the correct form of the verb from the options that follow.
I do not bother much about money. I _ about it all my life.
(1) don’t bother
(2) bothered
(3) will ever bother
(4) have never bothered
Answer: (4)
- Direction: Choose the expression that best describes the word HOODLUM.
(1) a violent criminal
(2) a way-side hawker
(3) a student who hoots and shouts
(4) a neighbour who is rather nosey
Answer: (1)
- Direction: Identify the Phrase in the following sentence that may be erroneous.
The training programme / takes a form of /
(1) (2)
a series of workshops / for the LDCs and UDCs
(3) (4)
Answer: (2)
- Direction: Choose the meaning that best suits the following idiom.
Be bound up with.
(1) be very busy or preoccupied
(2) be overwhelmed by
(3) be uninvolved in
(4) be tied to something for long
Answer: (1)
- Direction: Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word.
(1) wild
(2) bright
(3) near
(4) sharp
Answer: (2)
- Direction: Improve the underlined phrase, if necessary, with the help of given options.
George was laid to a rest beside his parents.
(1) lay in rest
(2) laid to rest
(3) lied to rest
(4) lied in rest
Answer: (2)
- Direction: Choose the expression that best describes the word FALLIBLE.
(1) able to stitch pieces together
(2) that which can he felled easily
(3) apt to make mistakes or go wrong
(4) able to concoct stories
Answer: (3)
- Direction: Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the underlined word.
A number of tenants have been evicted for not paying the rent.
(1) excused
(2) sent out
(3) thrown out
(4) pardoned
Answer: (3)
General Hindi–
- ‘एक तो करेला दूजे नीम चढ़ा’ – इस लोकोक्ति के सटीक अर्थ को दिए गए विकल्पों में से चयन कीजिए:
(1) करेले और नीम का रस मिलाना
(2) करेले और नीम का संयोग स्वास्थ्य के लिए हितकर होना ।
(3) एक साथ दो या कई दुर्गुणों का होना
(4) करेले की बेल का नीम के वृक्ष पर चढ़ना
Answer: (3)
- निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा शब्द अर्धतत्सम है?
(1) अक्षर
(2) अच्छर
(3) अक्ख
(4) आखर
Answer: (2)
- ‘जलपिपासु’ शब्द में कौन-सा समास है?
(1) तत्पुरुष
(2) द्विगु
(3) बहुब्रीहि
(4) द्वन्द्व
Answer: (1)
- जिस संज्ञा से पदार्थ में पाए जाने वाले किसी धर्म का बोध होता है, उसे क्या कहते हैं?
(1) भाववाचक संज्ञा
(2) वस्तुवाचक संज्ञा
(3) जातिवाचक संज्ञा
(4) व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा
Answer: (1)
- ‘वाक्यं रसात्मकं काव्यम्’ अर्थात् रसात्मक वाक्य ही काव्य है। – काव्यलक्षण के विषय में यह कथन किस आचार्य का है?
(1) विश्वनाथ
(2) पंडित राज जगन्नाथ
(3) मम्मट
(4) भामह
Answer: (1)
- निम्नलिखित में से ‘कामायनी’ का काव्य रूप क्या माना जाता है?
(1) एकार्थकाव्य
(2) चरित काव्य
(3) महाकाव्य
(4) खण्डकाव्य
Answer: (3)
- ‘तपोवन’ शब्द में कौन सी संधि है?
(1) व्यंजन संधि
(2) स्वर-व्यंजन संधि
(3) स्वर संधि
(4) विसर्ग संधि
Answer: (4)
- खड़ी बोली हिन्दी की किस उपभाषा के अन्तर्गत आती है?
(1) पहाड़ी हिन्दी
(2) पश्चिमी हिन्दी
(3) पूर्वी हिन्दी
(4) बिहारी हिन्दी
Answer: (2)
- निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा युग्म असंगत है?
(1) पीना – खाना
(2) आचार – विचार
(3) नोन – तेल
(4) अन्न – जल
Answer: (1)
- उस मूल ध्वनि को, जिसके खंड न हो सकें – उसे क्या कहते हैं?
(1) प्रत्यय
(2) वर्ण
(3) कृदन्त
(4) शब्द
Answer: (2)