- The main objective of continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is-
(1) help teacher complete the course
(2) lay emphasis on thought process and de-emphasize memorisation
(3) satisfy parents with childrens’ progress
(4) help authorities monitor school functioning
Answer: (2)
- Students with low sense of self-efficacy attribute their poor performance to:
(1) lack of ability
(2) lack of effort
(3) misunderstanding of directions
(4) not studying effort
Answer: (2)
- The training courses for special education are regulated by:
(1) National Council of Teacher Education
(2) National Council of Educational Research and Training
(3) Ministry of Social Defence
(4) Rehabilitation Council of India
Answer: (1)
- When a teacher sets a task that is above the student’s current ability level, she is likely to:
(1) repeat the same content a number of times.
(2) create a communication barrier.
(3) generate interest and motivation among children.
(4) minimize the effect of noise.
Answer: (1)
- The first satellite for serving the education sector is:
(2) INSAT – B
(3) INSAT – C
Answer: (1)
- A child with visual impairment maximizes learning with the help of
(1) tactile inputs
(2) kinaesthetic system
(3) auditory system
(4) learning aids
Answer: (3)
- The main argument in favour of the textbooks is:
(1) Testbooks are easily available.
(2) Textbooks help in developing creativity of the learners.
(3) Textbooks ascertain a minimun of authentic content to be covered by the learners.
(4) Textbooks cost less.
Answer: (3)
- In a selection test pass outs of different boards are competing. What is the best technique to interpret their scores on achievement?
(1) Medians of respective boards
(2) T Score
(3) t test
(4) Range of respective boards
Answer: (2)
- A teacher makes a conscious effort to behave in an acceptable manner with the expectation that the students will respond similarly. Which of the following principle explains teacher’s behaviour?
(1) Shaping
(2) Modelling
(3) Cueing
(4) Reinforcement
Answer: (4)
- Spearman’s theory of intelligence is to Thorndike’s as:
(1) qualitative is to quantitative
(2) culture-free is to culture fair
(3) innate is to acquired
(4) verbal is to performance
Answer: (4)
- A Unit of teaching can have
(1) only one chapter
(2) only one concept
(3) several chapters
(4) one chapter with one concept only
Answer: (3)
- An indigenous teaching aid is not
(1) costly
(2) made of material from far away place
(3) locally developed
(4) relevant
Answer: (2)
- In order to be of maximum effectiveness the reinforcement of a given response must:
(1) follow immediately upon the response.
(2) precede rather than follow the response.
(3) be of maximum strength.
(4) involve simultaneous reward of correct responses and punishment of incorrect Ones.
Answer: (1)
- If a student in your class is comfortable using his/her left hand what would you do as a teacher?
(1) Discourage him to use his/her left hand
(2) Ignore it
(3) Seek medical Help
(4) Allow him to use hand according to his/her preference
Answer: (4)
- The “law of effect” implies:
(1) Learning or non-learning of a response is related to the satisfaction it provides.
(2) extrinsic rewards must be applied for right responses.
(3) for learning to take place the learner must have a motive and a goal clearly recognized.
(4) extrinsic punishment must be applied for wrong responses.
Answer: (1)
- Which of the following is not a developmental disorder?
(1) Dyslexia
(2) Autistic spectrum Disorder
(3) ADHD
(4) cerebral palsy
Answer: (1)
- Combining computing, telecommunication and media in a digital atmosphere is referred to as:
(1) online communication
(2) integrated media
(3) chat-room
(4) convergence
Answer: (2)
- Adjusting assessments, materials, curriculum or classroom environment to accommodate a student’s need so that s/he can participate in and achieve the teaching/learning goals is known as:
(1) adaptation
(2) assimilation
(3) modification
(4) Individualized Education Programme
Answer: (4)
- What is the greatest obstacle in inclusion?
(1) Social barriers
(2) Wastage of time in Communication
(3) Misunderstanding
(4) Physical Barriers
Answer: (1)
- Which one of the following cannot be a criterion while designing curriculum?
(1) Educational level of parents
(2) Performance of learners in last examination
(3) Abilities of the learners
(4) Aspirations of the learners
Answer: (1)
- In which of the following curricular approaches, the learner enjoys maximum autonomy?
(1) Subject centred approach
(2) Teacher Centred approach
(3) Activity Centred approach
(4) Experience Centred approach
Answer: (3)
- The central idea/s in constructivist views of learning is/are
(i) Learners are active in constructing their own knowledge
(ii) Prior knowledge and beliefs of students are key inputs
(iii) Teachers hnve deep conceptual knowledge
(iv) Social interactions are important in knowledge construction
(1) (i) and (ii)
(2) (i) and (iv)
(3) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(4) (i), (ii) and (iv)
Answer: (4)
- When a student can correctly categorize a geometrical shape, she/he demonstrates:
(1) declarative knowledge
(2) self-regulatory knowledge
(3) procedural knowledge
(4) conditional knowledge
Answer: (4)
- Which of the following resources has maximum scope of Social development of learners?
(1) Museum
(2) Laboratories
(3) Community
(4) Library
Answer: (3)
- Which of the following are ‘being needs’ in Maslow’s (1970) hierarchy of needs?
(i) esteem needs
(ii) cognitive needs
(iii) aesthetic needs
(iv) love and belongingness
(1) (i) and (iii)
(2) (ii) and (iii)
(3) (i) and (iv)
(4) (i), (iii) and (iv)
Answer: (2)
- The IEDC (Integrated Education for the Disabled) was first launched during:
(1) 1960s
(2) 1970s
(3) 1980
(4) 1990
Answer: (2)
- Learning by doing and experiencing the consequences of your actions is
(1) operant conditioning
(2) vicarious learning
(3) enactive learning
(4) problem solving
Answer: (3)
- Which one of the following is used to encourage students’ interaction?\
(1) Language games
(2) Drama
(3) Debate
(4) Music
Answer: (1)
- Which is the most important skill to promote effective communication?
(1) Risk taking
(2) Quick responding
(3) Active listening
(4) Non-verbal cues
Answer: (3)
- Insight may he defined as:
(1) a form of intuition closely related to instinct.
(2) a systematic application of the scientific method to the solution of a problem.
(3) a sudden reorganization of experience
(4) a form of inspiration involved in Creativity.
Answer: (1)
- Slapping and Spanking children is not considered appropriate for disciplining children. Which of the following technique/s would you recommend as an alternative to harsh punishment?
(i) Time – out
(ii) Withdrawal or privileges
(iii) Modelling
(1) (i) only
(2) (ii) Only
(3) (i) and (ii)
(4) (i), (ii) and (iii)
Answer: (3)
- Summative assessment is not usually used for:
(1) Remediation
(2) Awarding grades
(3) Promotion to next grades
(4) Classification
Answer: (1)
- Who is credited for giving a curricular model?
(1) Ausubel
(2) Hilda Taba
(3) Piaget
(4) Guilford
Answer: (2)
- According to PWD Act. 1995, a person with disability is one who suffers from not less than _____% of any disability as identified by a medical authority.
(1) 40%
(2) 30%
(3) 50%
(4) 60%
Answer: (1)
- The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has not been able to again momentum in Indian rural schools because:
(1) In rural areas there is power failure most of the time.
(2) Rural population has not a very favourable mindset for ICT.
(3) ICT is a costly affair.
(4) ICT involves complex terminology.
Answer: (3)
- Which of the following is a better strategy for teaching children with special needs?
(1) Discussion in the class room involving maximum number of students.
(2) Demonstration by teacher involving students.
(3) Cooperative learning and peer tutoring
(4) Ability grouping for teaching
Answer: (3)
- ‘People’s beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that exercise influence over events that affect their lives’ are known by the term
(1) self Concept
(2) self Esteem
(3) self Worth
(4) self Efficacy
Answer: (4)
- What is the name of the process of making value judgments based on quantitative/qualitative data collected over a period of time?
(1) Examination
(2) Measurement
(3) Assessment
(4) Evaluation
Answer: (4)
- While teaching as per a lesson plan, generally teachers give least weightage to:
(1) Testing previous knowledge
(2) Motivatory questions
(3) Presentation
(4) Blackboard writing
Answer: (2)
- A child with impairment may experience disability when
(1) he/she is reprimanded for incomplete tasks.
(2) his/her performance at a task is not appreciate by teacher in the class.
(3) he/she is functioning in an environment that impacts child’s successful performance at a task.
(4) he/she is constantly compared to other children who perform well in certain tasks.
Answer: (4)